The Best Baby Stuff We've Used

Are you pregnant? Is this your first child? Fourth time being pregnant? Oh my gosh, congratulations!! That is SO EXCITING! And scary. And overwhelming. We were there once. BooginHead is six moms (and one dad)and we remember the joy, the excitement, the fear, and the uncertainty. 

Babies are the actual best

And what a time to be alive. What a time to make more people. At BooginHead, our kids’ ages range from 20 years old down to one year old, with some 16 year olds, some 13 year olds, and some four year olds sprinkled around. Has the world been one nonstop rollercoaster since 2001, or what? Our kids have lived through some stuff. Wars, acts of terrorism, multiple economic depressions, the rise of the internet of everything, and now COVID-19, a global pandemic that’s keeping them away from their friends and out of their schools.

Photographic depiction of the last 20 years

But, our kids have lived through some other *really good* stuff, too. Federal recognition of gay marriage. The first Black president. Simone Biles. Beyonce! And these kids are going to do GREAT things. They are the most entrepreneurial generation, the most hardworking generation, the most socially conscious generation. And when they work together, they can accomplish incredible things. This next round of kids is going to change the planet for the better, and your baby is going to inherit a wonderful world. Honestly, you might even be one of these amazing Gen Z kids changing the world, having your first baby and wondering where to start.

So let’s focus on you right now. Because in the process of raising the actual “Greatest Generation,” you’re going to need some baby essentials. You need the best baby stuff: functional, comfortable, cute, gets the job done, and makes your life easier. 

The BooginMoms (that’s us!) circled up and thought about what made our lives easier when we were raising kids and we developed a list of the best baby stuff we couldn’t live without. We’re not going to worry about the easy stuff – you know you need baby onesies, burp cloths, a car seat, a stroller, and diapers. We’re going to share with you the things we literally used... our baby stuff must-haves as parents ourselves.

Sari and her son Jake with a SippiGrip, 2007

You’ve got a lot on your mind, we’re sure. Even if you’re just sitting on your couch, your body actually has a lot to do growing a baby right now. Trust us; you are accomplishing plenty. Let us take a load off – pop these things in your shopping cart and have them delivered to your door, so you can focus on what makes you happy, calm, and excited. Because there’s good things coming. We know it.


Babywearing / Baby Carriers

You only have two hands. Or maybe you only have one hand. It is possible you have no hands. Regardless, strap that baby to your chest so you can eat your dang lunch and get some bonus whiffs of baby head smell.

Baby Bjorn – the classic for a reason! Can’t go wrong with a Baby Bjorn.

Moby Wrap – so chic, so comfy! No pinches or straps, just a big piece of cloth that folds down to nothin’ when you’re not using it.

Baby Feeding

Yes, we DID use BooginHead baby feeding products. Yes, they WERE better than the other stuff – then, and now. 

BooginHead baby bibs – 95% cotton and 5% spandex. No polyester here! Great for sensitive baby skin.

PaciGrip & Bandana Bib 2-Piece Set, Pink Arrows

BooginHead sippy cup strap – easy to clean, made in the USA, and works with all cups and bottles. 

SippiGrip Silicone in Royal Blue

BooginHead high chair mat – baby food is very wet and colorful. Find a high chair mat you love and save your floors.

SplatMat High Chair Mat in Marble Swirl

Baby Sleeping

No two babies are going to sleep the same, but here’s some of the best baby stuff that will hopefully cram as many consecutive sleeping hours together as possible.

SwaddleMe – swaddling is SO HARD! And when you’re functioning on zero sleep, plus you didn’t major in raccoon wrangling in college, it’s even harder. Easy, intuitive swaddling sleep sacks are a great solution to get that tight, snug sleep environment babies love without giving yourself yet another learning curve to master.
Baby swing – this might be the #1 BooginMom recommendation here. Yes, they are expensive. GET THE SWING. But here’s the trick – don’t get the swing until AFTER YOUR BABY IS BORN. That way, if your baby hates the swing, you’re still inside the return window and you can RETURN THE SWING.


Baby Entertainment

Gotta move! Gotta exercise those legs! But also, gotta STAY IN ONE PLACE, because this house is a death trap!

Exersaucer – so much to do in one very well contained tiny area!

Door jumper – because you’ve got stuff to do in the living room AND the kitchen.

Bouncy chair – it’s the everything chair. Five minute bathroom break for mama? Bouncy chair. Short baby nap? Bouncy chair. Bottle time? Bouncy chair. Bouncy time? Bouncy chair. Pooping time? Bouncy chair (it’s the perfect angle to put your baby’s legs in a little squat... worked every time).

Baby Teething

Arguably one of the worst stages is the teething phase, and did you know it goes on forever? Fun fact! Those tiny front teeth start up around six months old, and those flat back molars don’t show up until TWO YEARS old. And you do NOT want to be caught without teething supplies. Now’s the time to stock up. Again, yes, we used our own stuff, and yes, it’s the best stuff. 

BooginHead pacifier clip – your baby is going to chew on everything, especially whatever’s close and within reach – so put some teething stuff in reach! We noticed so many babies chewing on their PaciGrip straps, so we made one out of food-grade silicone and told them to go to town. Really blow their baby minds and attach a teether to it instead of a pacifier.

PaciGrip Silicone Teether in Green Bubbles

BooginHead pacifier with stuffed animal – these things do it all. It holds a pacifier, it’s a stuffed animal for cuddles and snuggles, and it has a food-grade silicone teether for when the ouchies strike. And you can toss it in the washing machine! Win-win-win-win, we say.

PaciPal Teether Blanket, Lucky the Elephant

Baby Health and Safety

Diaper Genie – yes, you DO need something special for diapers. Don’t just put it in the kitchen trash. We’re going to be up front with you on this one – you’re not going to take out the trash as often as you think you are. Get yourself something special and specifically engineered to handle poop. You’re worth it.

Ear Thermometer – Baby thermometers have gotten so good, and you can get a high quality one for not that much money. Gone are the days when you had to stick a plastic-sheathed spear under your baby’s tongue…. Or worse. 

Owlet Smart Sock – This one is relatively new, and no BooginParent has actually used it, but Owlet is a great company with a great product. The Smart Sock monitors your baby’s oxygen level and heart rate while they sleep and sends the readings to your phone. If the levels leave the “safe zone,” you get an alert. Owlet offers peace of mind we older parents wish we’d had back then.


Now you’ve heard our thoughts on the best baby stuff out there and you’re ready to take on the world! You got this, mama. 


Be sure to check the BooginHead Blog for updates on what we’re up to, our philanthropic efforts, and more! We love to hear from you – chat us on Instagram or Facebook or email us at with products you love or any questions you have.